Tuesday, October 27, 2009

What Could Be More Fun?

Recently, a friend gave me an extra copy of a book about wrapping presents in creative ways. There are so many things wrong with this concept I'm not sure where to start.

Of course, there's the time factor. If it comes from my house to yours, you're lucky if it's not wrapped in a plastic grocery bag. Plus, that's the only wrapping material that my son can't easily shred.

And there's the eco-factor. All that crisp new wrapping paper likely came from what used to be a fresh pine tree that was cut from a plantation where native hardwoods used to be. We believe in hand-me-down gift wrap in my family. In fact, there's a gift box stored away amid my mother's Christmas stuff that has been in circulation for as long as I can remember. You get a present in that box, and you're getting the gift of history!

But as I flipped through the book, here's the sentence that irked me the most:

"What could be more fun than packing an individual lunch in an unusual take-out carton complete with a faux lobster tail artfully arranged and attached with a charming black ruffle-edged ribbon?"

Are you kidding me?

I can think of a million things that would be more fun. Like paying down my equity line. Fixing the new dent in my already-dented Subaru. Meeting my deadlines.

Or more importantly, actually interacting personally with the people I care about most, rather than "packaging" my feelings for them. I'd much rather bring you a brown bag of wine and spend time laughing over a couple of glasses with you than showing up late with a beautifully wrapped bottle.

I'm not saying that a beautifully wrapped package isn't a nice gesture — it's just not a high priority at my house. So as the holiday season approaches, I offer this consolation to my friends and relatives: it may not be pretty, but it will be wrapped with love. (And if you can't appreciate that, I've got another nice gesture for you.)

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